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Understanding How Trees Change Throughout The Seasons

Tallow Tree Services Pty Ltd • Dec 17, 2021

One of the most wonderful things about trees is how they change throughout the seasons. Understanding these changes can help you with your gardening and appreciate them even more. In this post, we'll give you some pointers on things to look for.


In the spring, many trees start to grow new leaves. The buds on the tree will swell and eventually break open, revealing the small, new leaves inside. Some trees also produce flowers during the spring. These flowers can be very beautiful and come in a variety of colours.

Leaves are not the only visible change trees will go through during spring. Some trees will lose their leaves in the winter and these leaves may still be visible on the ground. This is why many people have a hard time distinguishing between deciduous and evergreen trees. If there are no leaves on the tree, it can be difficult to tell whether or not it is evergreen!


Trees continue growing new leaves during the summer months. However, they tend to grow fewer leaves than they did in the spring because most of their energy goes into growing taller instead of producing more foliage. You can often see how tall a tree is by looking at its leaf formation - if there are lots of small branches full of new growth near the top of the tree, it is likely that the tree is still growing taller.

As summer progresses, the new leaves continue to grow bigger and develop their characteristic shapes. The flowers on trees will also start to fade away and be replaced by fruit. The fruit can be anything from a small berry to a large apple or orange.


In the autumn, many trees start to lose their leaves. The leaves will change colour from green to yellow, orange, or red before they eventually fall off the tree. This process is called "falling" or "dropping" and can be a beautiful sight, especially if there are a lot of trees in the area changing colour at the same time.

Some trees, such as evergreens, do not lose their leaves in the fall. Instead, these trees simply stop producing new leaves and stay green all year long. 


In the winter, deciduous trees become very easy to identify because they will be completely bare of leaves. However, evergreens look similar during the winter as they do during the summer. These trees continue to grow new branches and needles throughout the year and this growth simply slows down or stops when it is cold outside.

Winter is a great time to appreciate the beauty of trees that you might normally take for granted. While some trees are completely barren at this time of year, other more interesting types of trees keep their needles all year round.

So next time you're out walking in the park or driving past some trees, take a moment to appreciate how they change throughout the seasons! It's really amazing to watch.

This knowledge will also help you with your gardening, understand when and how trees & leaves are growing and assist you with choosing the right trees for your garden.

If you're ever looking for professional tree services in
Lismore and the Northern Rivers, our team at Tallow Tree Services is always happy to help. The best way to contact us is by calling 0401 208 797.

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